It is a philatelic collection of my blog.
I collected horse ,painting -in particular the classical paintings of women,and Japanese painting.
In addition, I have been collecting China's postmark, the Chinese New Year stamp collecting materials,I also interested in the various countries of the FDCs.
I hope my blog can bring happiness to you so that you share my enthusiasm......

25 December 2008

Christmas in today's China

Christians postmark---form China
If you walked around a major Chinese city 20 years ago, you probably wouldn't have seen many signs of Christmas.This is because Christmas is a Christian holiday and not many Chinese people are Christian.
However, if you were to visit those same Chinese cities today, you'd see signs of Christmas everywhere you looked!On the Avenue of Eternal Peace in Beijing, Qinghai,ect China, there are Christmas displays everywhere.Many Chinese people celebrate by decorating their houses with Christmas trees, cooking and eating special foods, and spending time with family and friends.
So yes, the Chinese celebrate Christmas.
But no, most do not celebrate it for the same reasons that Christians do.

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