It is a philatelic collection of my blog.
I collected horse ,painting -in particular the classical paintings of women,and Japanese painting.
In addition, I have been collecting China's postmark, the Chinese New Year stamp collecting materials,I also interested in the various countries of the FDCs.
I hope my blog can bring happiness to you so that you share my enthusiasm......

25 December 2008

Olympics in China

China's application for the Olympic Games in 2000.The election was lost to Sydney with only two votes. Reputedly the Australian John Coates bribed the IOC members Charles Mukorea (Kenya) and Francis Njangweso (Uganda) on the eve of the election during dinner offering them 35.000 dollars each masked as sport development aid. Despite that Chinese athletes successfully participated in the Games in Sydney in 2000 and won 3rd rank behind the USA and Russia with 28 gold, 16 silver and 15 bronze medals ,in 2004 Olympic Games.....

(Same day's propaganda postmark)
In 2002 Salt Lake Games, Yang Yang spent 44.187 seconds to cross the finish line first in the women's 500 meters short track speed skating, winning the gold medal that China has been longing for more than two decades in winter Olympics.

(Same day's propaganda postmark)
One week later, Yang Yang won the women's 1000m short track speed skating race, giving its seconds gold medal.

Beijing was competing against Toronto, Osaka, Istanbul and Paris for the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games

The application holds 2008 summer Olympics to obtain successfully

Fuwa are probably the most meaningful Olympic mascots in the history. Actually, when designers design them, they put many symbolic meanings into these five mascots that represent traditional culture and natural characteristics of China, which might be very difficult for foreigners to understand.
Basically, the name of the five Fuwa: "Beibei", "Jingjing", "Huanhuan", "Yingying" and "NIni" altogether in Chinese means welcome to Beijing. And they represent for five Olympic rings and also the five elements in Chinese philosophy. The five image of Fuwa come from the original shape of Chinese sturgeon, panda, Olympic flame, Tibetan antelope and swallow.

2008 Beijing Olympic Games the emblem.The upper part of the logo is a Chinese seal with only one Chinese character Jing in the shape of a dancing human.It also resembles a man opening his arms to welcome visitors.

Let’s keep passing the spirit of Olympic and world peace throughout Baidu!

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